
Updated on 2020/11/2

Time To Get Back To Work

In 2016, for no particular reasons, I decided to take a summer break from my writing projects, which I have been carrying on for years since I entered semi-retirement. The summer break ended up lasting four long years. These years went by rather uneventfully, except for a few dispiriting things... A computer mishap trashed all my research notes for all my projects, backup including. Not long afterwards, I had to decline a book deal to write about the very subject of this blog because my wife told me she would not be supportive. And, not long afterwards, Wongjai, my 13 years old golden retriever died. Plentiful excuses for the break to linger.

The reason for reviving my writing projects at this time is no less inconsequential than why it was put on halt - I recently inherited a powerful and sleek-looking computer from my Tai Chi sifu who immigrated to England and who told me to make good use it. Since the only thing(s) I can do with a computer is to google and write, I thought it's an opportune moment to end the break and get back to work. Since I've previously done some ground work on the topic of the chairmen of HSBC and in the absence of another topic which I care to work on, HSBC makes an easy choice. No book deal means no deadline, I can live with that.

Rudi Butt
Hong Kong, 2020/9/15


Explanatory Notes
  1. This dictionary is published while under construction. Notes should be taken that the compilation will proceed without following any sequence or guide.
  2. Each chairman/director is featured in a separate post. To read the biography and other pertinent information of the individual, find the name from the 'The Roll' on the right panel and click open the post.
  3. The 'Nationality' displayed in the tables are for easy reference to indicate the nationalities or countries of origin of these persons; some of them may not correspond with the historic period of the events in matter.
  4. Dates are expressed in yy/m/d.
  5. The word 'unknown' used in this dictionary generally means 'unknown to the author' as opposed to nobody knows.
Table Of Contents

Tables Papers
Trivia Facts
  • The shortest term of directorship was servded by Johannes F. Cordes of Pustau & Co. He was appointed on February 4, 1874, 13 days until the term of the board expired on Feburay 16.


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